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SAT 1550+ High Score Crash

It is a MUST course for students who wants to achieve 1550 or above on their next exams. The Prerequisite for the course is a proof of SAT score achieving 1450 in previous exams.

AP2 Advanced Statistics

Course Content:Based on College board curriculum, explore concepts like humans and the environment; cultural development and interactions; governance; economic systems; social interactions and organization; and technology and innovation.

AP3 Crash Statistics

Course Content:Intense practices with AP former exams; Instructors will provide in-depth lecturing which assist students to tackle their “blind spots”; Practise with relevant techniques and sills (especially for FRQs)

AP1 Foundation Statistics

Course Content:Requires an EXCELLENT level of reading and writing skills in English (scores around low to mid 90s at school); Focuses on knowledge application in real-life situations; Practice with question analysis; Boost up foundational conceptual understandings.

Writing Lv2

Students wish to regulate and foster proper writing habits; targeting 8 common types of writing tasks and styles for G5-7; aim to assist students to learn how to read and write in different genres with various sets of expectations.

214 Vocabulary Lists

Vocabulary is the foundation of any language. Every sentence is composed of powerful vocabularies. These sentences form paragraphs, which in turn form articles to express a solid argument. Some of the words we learn will never be forgotten, but some of them will never be remembered after being relearned countless times. The reason is that there are some words except in the dictionary, you will never meet them again at any time, not familiar with them will never remember. 214 Vocabulary Lists is specially designed to tackle these lexical vocabulary-learning difficulties.